Lighting Solutions
Lighting up your home is one of the easiest ways to immediately add curb appeal. Whether your home has certain features you’d like accented like peaks or columns or you just want to light up your home so it’s not so dark at night, JellyFish Lighting is the perfect solution for accent lighting. Within the app, you’re able to decide which lights you’d like on and what color they’ll be. For example, you can turn on two lights at the top of each peak and leave the rest of the lights off. You can also choose from one of our preset patterns where one light is on every 3, 6, or 8 feet. You have the ability to make any shade of white you’d like to match your other exterior lighting or complement your home’s colors.

Outdoor Holiday lights are fun for everyone and really help get the neighborhood in the Holiday spirit. What’s not fun for anyone is putting up and taking down the lights every season. Whether you put them up and take them down yourself or you find a local company to do it, it is always a hassle. With JellyFish Lighting, you can leave your lights up year round without making your HOA or neighbors upset! They are permanently installed behind your trim enclosed in an aluminum track that’s the same color to be discreet from the street. With an app on your phone you can turn your lights on and off or change the colors. You can also save a timer to have your lights come on and turn off automatically with sunset to sunrise.
Although light cannot keep a burglar from breaking into your home, it can make it easier for you or your neighbor to see someone lurking or trying to get inside so you can prevent it or call the police faster.
Our system produces enough light to be the primary light source for cameras or doorbells with video function within range of the lights. Security cameras are useless if there’s not enough light to pick up the perpetrators face or license plate.

It has been a long challenge to be able to easily decorate your home with your favorite team’s colors . Now you can with the touch of a button. On Saturday you can put on your favorite college team’s colors then Sunday your favorite pro football team. When having a Superbowl party you can tell people to look for the green and gold lit home. If your team starts losing you can turn them off and if they win you can leave them on all night.
Accent Lighting
Create your own accent lighting by choosing which lights you want on and what color from over 16 million different colors and any hue of white
Custom Patterns
Create custom patterns with over 20 different movements and effects, you can also choose from 102 preset patterns from our customer’s recommendations
Ability to only turn on certain sections of lights or to have different patterns on different parts of your home at the same time (front versus back)
Long Lasting
The JellyFish Lighting System is a robust, outdoor rated LED lighting system. LED lighting is known for its durability. The LEDs are designed for years and years of use.
Discrete from the Street
Mounted under your eaves in a custom track color with no exterior power supplies
Multiple Timers & Events
Save multiple nightly & weekly timers as well as calendar events for holidays and other special occasions
Proprietary Technology
We own and manufacture our patented lighting system and mobile app to ensure the highest quality and availability, we also release continual updates with new features.
Bright and energy efficient
Bright 3 diode lights use less than one watt per light at the brightest white and are dimable.